
The Face-painting: a form of body art

Unlike the tattoo, the duration is temporary: the residence time, dependent on the types of colors used, varies from a few hours to a few days, being a form of art in which, by its very nature, each work is destined to disappear. The face-painting is as its natural partner photography, which allows you to immortalize the moment and preserve the artistic creations.

The exhibition of this art is exciting for me, and for the public attending. I realize facepainting with a brush or airbrush painting technique, with the collaboration of the artist Gianluca D’Amato. I paint and we paint bodies and faces in themed events organized by us or to which we are invited such as: Halloween, carnival, parades, Bars, Pubs, Clubs, Lydians, Squares.

If you like to attend one of my live face-painting events, or do you want your party theme is distinguished from all others, please contact me for info!

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