Airbrushing on Motorcycle and Scooter

Decoration and customization of cars, motorcycles, scooters, helmets, animals van transport.

Combining my love for “bodywork” to my illustrative Art and with the help of the airbrush, I create original and unique works.

Each piece, in fact, is the result of an ongoing collaboration between the customer’s tastes and my style.
The main use of the free-hand technique, rather than adhesive stencil, guarantees an impression more “personal” and unique work.

Each motorcycle or scooter has to be prepared before it can be decorated: be disassembled in all its parts, sanded and filled with plaster, if necessary.  and giving it a base coat. It is then painted with a base color, decorated with airbrush and finally lacquered with glossy or transparent matt.

The price should always be agreed upon, as each pattern is very different from others, as well as being unique and personal.

It’s possible to airbrush motorcyle, scooter, tanks, shells, minibikes…If you have an idea in mind but do not know if it’s feasible, please contact me!

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